Good in Bed Survey on Relationship Boredom

The purpose of this survey was to further understand relationship boredom within the context of committed relationships. Additionally, this survey assessed how relationship boredom is related to sex and sexuality within those relationships.

25% of the sample reported feeling bored in their relationship, with an additional 25% of the sample on the brink of boredom.

  • Women reported being significantly more bored in their relationship than men.
  • Despite that, women were significantly more sexually satisfied than men.
  • 25% of the sample reported having engaged in infidelity due to boredom in their relationship.
  • The top three sources of boredom were frequency of sex with partner (43.7%), communication with partner (39.1%), and relationship happiness (34.6%).
  • The majority of the respondents (57.9%) were entirely interested in trying something new in the bedroom that their partner suggested with an additional 25.7% mostly or somewhat interested in trying something new.




There is research to support the idea that as relationship duration increases, boredom may set in and impact other areas of the relationship. A large body of research indicates that sexual and relationship satisfactions are incredibly intertwined. Therefore, experiencing boredom in a relationship is likely to impact the sexual aspects of the relationship.


Data was collected through an online survey from 1418 men (42.4%) and 1923 women (57.6%) who were in a relationship at the time of data collection. Participants were recruited through various online forums (e.g., Good in Bed, Facebook, Twitter) and directed to the study website. Potential participants were informed that a small incentive would be offered for involvement in the study (a code to redeem a free e-book from

Upon accessing the survey, participants were presented with a number of questions that assessed demographic and sexual behaviors, relationship dynamics, and questions that assessed the construct of boredom. This study used a web-based data collection method. Internet surveys provide a more comfortable environment to collect data on sensitive issues such as sexuality, and therefore individuals were more likely to submit accurate sexual and relationship information online. All responses were completely anonymous and we did not collect any identifying information from participants.


  • 1418 men (42.4%)
  • 1923 women (57.6%)


  • 90.8% heterosexual, 1.1% gay or lesbian, 4.7% bisexual, .5% queer, 1.6% uncertain or questioning


  • 3.4% casually dating one or more person
  • 27.3% seriously dating one person
  • 6% engaged
  • 52.6% married
  • 9% common-law or living together
  • .1% widowed


  • 65.5% work full time
  • 10.5% work part time
  • 6.3% unemployed
  • 6% take care of kids full-time
  • .4% take care of kids part-time


  • 6.8% have been in their relationship for 6 months or less
  • 7.5% have been in their relationship one year or less
  • 21.6% have been in their relationship between 1 and 3 years
  • 20.5% have been in their relationship between 3 and 7 years
  • 20.2% have been in their relationship between 7 and 15 years
  • 23.5% have been in their relationship for more than 15 years


  • 51.4% have children – of those, 12.2% have 1 child, 22.3% have 2 children, 12.3% have 3 children, 6.3% have 4 children, 4.6% have 5 or more children
  • 47.6% don’t have children

The rest of the report is available in pdf format.

This post was originally on Good in Bed.

One Comment on “Good in Bed Survey on Relationship Boredom

  1. When you meet a guy, tell him you have kids and they come first. Also tell him that you want to take things slow, beusace its been awhile. But I wouldn’t look for just a sex partner,bringing home too many guys can screw up the kids. Find someone compatable with you and the kids.